Legal notes
The website is owned by Termisol Termica SRL with legal office:
Via dell’Artigianato 79/81 – 57121
PI 00892980491
Codisce Fiscale 00727770281
Tel +39 0586 423 623
Fax +39 0586 423 022
The contents of this website – texts, images, graphics, trademarks, logos, videos, documents and so on – are owned by Termisol Termica SRL ( hereinafter “Termisol Termica”) and / or third parties who have succumbed to Termisol Termica exploitation rights during the presentation of services that are developed through the Website. These rights are protected by copyright laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property and current laws in Italy in the field of protection of copyright (Law no. 633 /1941 and subsequent amendments and additions, hereinafter “LdA”). Any reproduction, distribution, translation, modification, communication or making available to the public, renting and lending, public performance, of all or part of the contents of the Web Site, carried out in any way or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without the written permission of the copyright owner is prohibited. In this regard, we note that the Owner does not allow the unauthorized reproduction and making available to the public either through file sharing or “file-sharing” of works protected by copyright. It is therefore forbidden, enter the network and exchange copies of protected works without the permission of the authors. Violations are subject to the penalties provided for in art . 171, 171 – bis, 171 -ter, 174- bis and 174 -ter of LdA Italian Law. Any breach of these rights may thus give rise to the corresponding court procedures or civil action or criminal proceedings. The presence on the Web Site of any text , design, image, database, logo, structure, brand or other industrial property rights of third parties does not imply the transfer of the ownership to Termisol Termica. The legitimacy of the intellectual or industrial property rights corresponding to the content contributed by third parts is their sole responsibility.
On the contents may be given to technological protection measures pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 102 quater ss. of LdA, consisting in the devices and / or components that are designed to prevent or restrict acts not authorized by the copyright owner, may also be present on the same electronic rights-management information indicating the terms and conditions of use of the works and / or materials, the author or any other owner, as well as numbers or codes that represent such information or other identifiers . The reproduction, on any media, materials published on this site, if expressly permitted, may be made, however, for personal use only, provided that non-profit and not-for direct or indirect commercial use, in accordance with the technological protection measures.
This site may contain links to external websites or other resources on the Internet. These links are placed within the site as a simple add-on service to users. User therefore acknowledges and agrees that Termisol Termica has no control over such sites and / or resources, and that as a third party Termisol Termica is not responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, compliance with the intellectual property rights and / or industrial, legality and / or any other aspect of such websites, nor respond to their possible breach of public order, morality and / or otherwise morals.