
Environmental Policy

Our services have a high added value: a responsible and sustainable management to safeguard and protect the environment. In Termisol Termica environmental issues are extremely taken into account and our Environmental Management System is conform to the internationally recognised management stadard ISO 14001 since 2004.

Our Integrated Management System includes Quality, Environmental and Safety management in all processes and ensures a perfect compliance to all regulations and stakeholders needs and an extensive environmental protection. Our Environmental Policy aims to make a positive contribution to sustainable development, managing and reducing direct and indirect impact of our business. We manage our activities in an efficient way, minimizing the environmental impact deriving especially from waste management, use of materials, asbestos removal. A further effort to minimize the impact caused by business activities is to forestall, where possible, the environmental effects arising from new activities and by process changes, as well as prevent accidental releases of materials and energy.

The key points of our Environmental Policy are:

We encourage personel to adopt responsible behaviour on environmental issues and organize specific information and training programmes. We believe indeed that respect for the environment is carried out primarily from a proper Environmental Education we strive to build and spread, both individually and collectively. Our staff is constantly made aware of the issue through training sessions and initiatives – to learn about risks, consequences and correct practices.

We adopt a transparent, ongoing approach to communicating environmental issues and will to share experiences and kwnoledge with others in order to improve the environmental performance in the industrial field. The environment and energy saving issues are so important that we are involved actively through the EiiF, European Industrial Insulation Foundation, activities to promote environment sustainability.

New insulation made up with cost-optimized thickness is recovered in less than a year
The savings potential is estimated at around € 3.5 billion / year
CO2 emissions would be reduced by the equivalent of 18 million cars

Together with the EiiF we promote insulation, noise control and fireproofing systems as the best solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and energy losses in the industry.

Politica Ambiente 2018